Monday, November 28, 2011

I  have learned allot in your absence 
1  adults play games 
2 not to believe people they do lie
3 shield the heart, then you don't have to nurse a broken one
4 trust is so important and very rare
5 keeping emotions in check is necessary
6 there is no perfect
7 no one belongs on a pedstal
8 God has a plan, we just need to believe that
9 men and women think different , rephrased people think different
10. Be truthful to self
11. there is an end

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I am confused by the pain in my heart,it fails to heal.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Journey Forward

There is an old adage" what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger"and yet a void remains that cannot be filled. There are several things that I became aware of, " you can never go back, you never get the same opportunity twice and healing has nothing to do wit h forgetting."I feel very much like the rabbit in our animal kingdom and I have been picked apart by the hawk. It was something said in conversation " I leave myself open to be hurt
"My emotions are very very deep, disappointed, angered and hurt.I have reviewed choices like a broken bone that healed, it mends but a scar remains as a reminder. 