Friday, November 6, 2020

 There are never goodbyes for 

every thing lives on within us. 


It's the expected.


Once upon a dream...but than you wake up.


I wanted forever ...but somethings have no forever.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

blah blah blah

 To the wind the story, 

to the mountains the take, 

standing at the edge 

falling into hell.

So many hello's 

way to many goodbyes, 

losing count like the 

stars in the sky.


 It only happens once, 

to fall so deep and hard

as a wall is built to keep

safe the heart. 

I only sensed it once

two souls as one, 

a story of romance 

dipped deep in love. 

For that I remain grateful

the experience is ours, 

when dreams came together

and set this heart of mine 

on fire.